Are business cards necessary in the 21st century?

Business Cards: Are business cards necessary in the 21st century? With the advent of digital in our life, many, as it previously seemed, obligatory things have lost

With the advent of digital in our life, many, as it previously seemed, obligatory things have lost their relevance. Consider in this article if you need a business card in 2021.

 business cards


What is a business card?

Each of us knows what a business card looks like. But what is it? A business card is a card with a size of 90×50 mm (standard proportions), on which the following data are indicated:

  • full name
  • name of the company
  • position
  • contact information (email, phone number);
  • links to social networks
  • QR code

You decide on which side (if the business card is double-sided) and what data should be presented, given that this is the first thing that catches the eye of a business partner/client/buyer.

The advantage of a business card is its compactness, the card can be placed in a pocket, wallet, or purse. Consider why this medium is still relevant in 2021.

Why do you need a business card in 2021

In the cycle of events, many processes began to demand speed. One of the main tasks of a business card is the offline transfer of contact information. The presence of such a traditional medium will speed up and simplify the communication process.

At the time of acquaintance, interested people may wish to save information about you in order to contact you. They may turn out to be your potential clients or partners, so as not to lose them, order your business cards. An unpleasant situation will be if the interlocutor wrote down your number or name on some piece of paper, and then lost it.

In the life of a business person, a business card is more useful than just an entry in the phone book of contacts, because a business card is more informative. The relevance of business cards is evidenced by the fact that this is the most widespread printing product in the whole world.

Don’t be afraid to take the time to conceptualize and design your business card. Today any production company provides you with a free business card mockup for approval to best suit your needs. Good looks can increase the likelihood that people will want to contact you. In short, such handout printed material should attract attention and be 100% informative.




All business cards can be divided into three groups:

  • Personal
    . They contain information about one person, therefore, they are handed over to you personally. They display the following: personal data, the field of activity.
  • Business. Used when creating completely new business contracts. Such a business card is the “face” of a specialist in the professional field, therefore the design does not imply the presence of informal details and elements.
  • Corporate. Not one specialist is presented, but a company or firm. They are made in a single style using a clear and readable font.

Despite the fact that the world is rapidly moving into a digital society, the provision of business cards is a “ritual” that does not lose its relevance and popularity. With the right design and appropriate design, the presented product will turn into a full-fledged marketing tool.

Exchange rules

But in order for your business card to be really noticed and not thrown into the trash can, you must follow the exchange rules:

  • Business cards should be exchanged only at the very beginning, and not at the end of the meeting, otherwise, it may be perceived as a lack of interest in getting to know your partner.
  • In classic business situations, the business card is presented by the junior in status to the senior, or the guest to the owner. The only exception is a meeting when you are the host.
  • If the meeting is attended by people equal in stature, then the business card should be presented by the younger to the elder.
    The business partner should also be presented with a business card in return, preferably a business or personal option. No additional markings should be made in the presence of a person.

Please note that all business people who attend important events and meetings must have the required number of business cards. It is strictly forbidden to attend business meetings, negotiations without a business card.

Of course, each person is not responsible for what a partner will do with his card after the meeting, but we know for sure that by handing a business card upon meeting, one can demonstrate disposition and trust.

Moreover, now business cards can be ordered not only by business people but also simply by those who wish to remind people of themselves, talk about the services and products they provide. They can indicate information about themselves and contacts in all social networks, but by providing a paper business card, there is a greater chance that clients will not lose their master’s phone number.




Modern technologies are gradually replacing paper products from the market, but business cards are still relevant and popular.

Of course, it is very important to keep up with the times, to use the achievements of mankind. But don’t forget about proven communication techniques. It’s like with clothes: there are fashionable novelties, but you simply cannot do without proven classics.

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