Customer Testimonials: 7 Innovative Ways to Collect and Use them on Instagram

Customer Testimonials
Source: Pixabay

Customer testimonials can be collected and utilized on Instagram to win new customers. With over 1 billion monthly active users a.k.a potential customers, and over 25 million active business profiles, 2 million of which actively advertise on the platform, Instagram is indeed the place to be and the place to implement winning customer testimonials.

While a good marketing strategy can help draw in potential clients, the testimonials on your page can cause a huge uptick in conversion rate. Customer testimonials are first-hand customer accounts of their (positive) experiences with your product or services. This is a powerful form of word of mouth.

In this article we’ll be looking at what is customer testimonials, importance of customer testimonials, how to source customer testimonials and how to use customer testimonials on Instagram, but first

What is Customer Testimonials?

A customer testimonial is a written or recorded statement from a satisfied customer affirming the credibility of a brand and the performance, quality, and/or value of a product or service.

Testimonials from loyal customers are one of the most potent marketing tools. Whereas only 9% of B2B buyers trust vendor content, a whopping 90% trust customer testimonials by way of reviews, etc.

Importance of Customer Testimonials for Businesses

Customer Testimonials
Source: Zoho

1. Builds Trust with Social Proof

It is said that when you say it, it is marketing, but when your customers say it (for you), it becomes social proof, endorsement, validation.

As prospects read or watch customer testimonials they mirror the testifiers, and by implicit egotism are persuaded to likewise purchase your goods or services. This is one of the many ways to grow your Instagram followers and customers.

2. Customer Testimonials Combat Negative Reviews

Some customers may not be as satisfied with your products or services as your other customers and may give negative reviews, but customer testimonials from happy buyers help to counter the negative reviews.

3. Customer Testimonials Add Content to Your Instagram Page

Testimonials from customers is a great content addition to your Instagram feed which can convert explorers and browsers into valuable customers as they make you look more believable trustworthy.

4. Affirms Your Credibility and Expertise

Testimonials are proof that you have a good track record with other customers and that you have tangible results from previous accomplishments. This is especially important for businesses offering services.

5. Customer Loyalty

When customers testimonials are featured on your page, it makes them feel valued and appreciated, and this deepens their emotional bond with your business increasing customer loyalty.

Here are

Some Important Customer Testimonials Statistics

  • Customer testimonials have the highest effectiveness rating for content marketing at 89%. (Social Fresh)
  • 88% of consumers say that they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. (Source: BrightLocal).
  • A 2014 study found that customers spend 31% more with businesses who have good client testimonials.
  • 92% of people said that they read testimonials when considering a purchase.
  • 40% of buyers form an opinion of a business after reading just 1-3 reviews. (BrightLocal)
  • 72% of buyers will take action only after reading a positive review. (BrightLocal)

Now, on to

7 Innovative Ways to Collect and Use Customer Testimonials on Instagram

1. Offer a Form on Your Website

To get customer testimonials, first thing to do is learn how to ask for customer testimonials. You can do this by creating a testimonial page on your website with a simple form customers can fill and leave their feedback or customer testimonials without hassles.

With a matching CTA insert your testimonials page link in your Instagram bio so visitors can click through to check out your customer testimonials.

2. Feature Customers Compliments

When a customer compliments your products or services in an email or in the comment section of your Instagram posts, take and save screenshots of their testimonials.

Contact them and ask their permission to use it to create customer testimonial posts for your Instagram page. Include their photo if they agree and post it. It’s another form of social proof.

3. Reward Customers Who Share Their Testimonials

Choose some of your favourite products or services and ask your customers on Instagram to share their testimonials on them with a reward for doing so.

You can offer coupons, vouchers, or discounts to customers who provide testimonials. You can also promote a giveaway contest for customers who send in a testimonial video about your product. At the end of the contest, leave the best testimonials you reposted on your Instagram page.

4. Monitor Brand Social Mentions

Set up alerts using Google Alerts or other social listening tools to track social mentions or customer reviews about your company on review sites, blogs and forums and link them to your website.

You can use keywords like your personal name, business name, brand or specific products. Link these to your Instagram bio for people to link back to.

5. Include Testimonials in Your Instagram Ads

Customer testimonials build trust in buyers, especially first time buyers. Including them in your Instagram ads may be a better way to market your products or services.

There are different types of Instagram ads you can choose from, stories, carousel, collection, video, etc. you can either use single photos showing customer testimonials with their pictures or even use videos.

6. Reviews from Other Social Networks

Use your other social network pages such as Facebook which has over 2 billion active users, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc, to request for testimonials from clients. This is one of the best ways to get testimonials from clients, especially for startups.

Social media is where your customers hang out, connect, share ideas, opinions, and information. Take screenshots of these reviews and share them on your Instagram Highlights or Stories.

7. Create Branded Hashtags

Create branded Hashtags that customers can use to share their testimonials about your brand on Instagram and other social networks. This will enable you to easily search the hashtag across your social media channels and gather the testimonials in one place. Use these hashtags to create your Instagram posts.


Customer testimonials are word-of-mouth advertising from people that have used your products. Strategic and intelligent use of testimonials can go a long way in promoting, building and maintaining stronger online visibility, reputation and growth for your business. Integrate testimonials into your Instagram content marketing strategies today.

About Author:

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Amos Onwukwe is an AWAI trained Business and Ecommerce Copywriter featured in Huffington Post, Dumb Little Man, Self-Growth, Ecommerce Nation, eCommerce Insights, Understanding Ecommerce, Result First, Floship, WeCan, Grow Map, Small Biz Club among others.

Twitter: @amos_onwukwe

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