Kitchen Cabinet Painting: A Step-By-Step Guide

It’s no surprise that a fresh coat of paint can breathe new life into a room, but what about your kitchen cabinets? Painting your cabinets is a cost-effective way to update your kitchen without having to overhaul the entire space. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of painting your kitchen cabinets so you can achieve a beautiful, cohesive look in your home. So whether you’re looking to refresh an outdated color scheme or simply want to give your cabinets a new lease on life, read on for some helpful tips!

Kitchen Cabinet Painting

Why Paint Your Kitchen Cabinets?

There are many reasons you might want to give your kitchen cabinets a fresh coat of paint. Perhaps you’re looking to update an outdated color scheme, or you’re wanting to add personality to a space that feels too bland. Whatever the reason, painting your cabinets is a relatively easy and cost-effective way to achieve the look you desire.

Time Duration To Paint Cabinets

Kitchen cabinet painting is a fairly quick and straightforward process, especially if you’re working with a small space. In general, you can expect to spend anywhere from 4-6 hours painting your cabinets, depending on the size of your kitchen and the number of cabinets you’re working with. Of course, this is just a general estimate – the actual time investment will vary depending on your circumstances.

Cost To Paint Kitchen Cabinets

Painting a kitchen cabinet is a relatively inexpensive way to update your kitchen. The cost will vary depending on the size of your kitchen and the number of cabinets you’re working with, but you can expect to spend anywhere from $200-$500 on paint and supplies.

Types Of Paint For Your Cabinets

When you paint kitchen cabinets, you’ll want to use high-quality paint that is specifically designed for cabinets or trim. These paints have a higher level of durability and resistance to staining, chipping, and fading.

Latex / Oil Paint

One type of paint you may come across is latex or oil-based paints. Latex paint is water-based, while oil-based paints are made with petroleum-based products. Both types of paint have their advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to do your research to see which one would be best for your project.

Latex is generally easier to work with and clean up than oil-based paint. It also has a lower level of odor, which can be helpful if you’re sensitive to strong smells. On the downside, latex paint doesn’t have the same level of durability as oil-based paint.

Oil-based paint is more durable than latex and is a good choice for high-traffic areas like kitchens. It also has a higher level of resistance to staining and fading.

Spray Paint / Brush

Another thing to consider is whether you want to use spray or brush paint for your cabinets. Spray can be a quicker and easier option, but it can be more difficult to achieve an even coat with spray. If you choose to use brush paint, you’ll need to invest in high-quality brushes that are specifically designed for painting cabinets.

Faux Finish / Regular

One more factor is whether you want to use a faux finish or regular paint for your cabinets. Faux finishes can add depth and dimension to your cabinets, but they can be more difficult to apply evenly. If you’re not comfortable working with a faux finish, regular paint is always an option.

Instruments & Tools

  • High-quality paint brushes
  • Paint sprayer
  • TSP cleaner
  • Paint roller and tray
  • Sandpaper
  • Tack cloth
  • Stir sticks
  • Cups for holding paint
  • Painter’s tape
  • Drop cloths

The Process Of Kitchen Cabinet Painting

Pick The Paint That Feels Right

When choosing the right paint you’ll want to use a high-quality paint that is specifically designed for cabinets or trim. These paints have a higher level of durability and resistance to staining, chipping, and fading.


Once you’ve selected the perfect paint, it’s time to start prepping your cabinets for painting. The first step is to remove all of the hardware from your cabinets. This includes handles, knobs, and hinges. Once the hardware is removed, you’ll want to clean your cabinets with a TSP cleaner to remove any grease or dirt.

Next, you’ll want to sand your cabinets with medium-grit sandpaper. This will help to create a smooth surface for the paint to adhere to. Once you’ve finished sanding, use a tack cloth to remove any dust particles.

Cabinet Inspection

After you’ve prepped your cabinets, it’s time to start the painting process. But before you start painting, you’ll want to do a quick inspection of your cabinets to look for any damaged areas. If you find any cracks, holes, or other damage, now is the time to repair them.

Remove Cabinet Contents & Remove Doors

Once you’ve inspected and repaired your cabinets, it’s time to remove the doors. This will make painting a lot easier and will help you to avoid any accidents. You’ll also want to remove anything from inside your cabinets, such as dishes, silverware, and food items.

Clean Grease & Dirt

Once your doors are removed, it’s time to start cleaning. You’ll want to use a TSP cleaner to remove any grease or dirt that might be on your doors. This step is important because it will help the paint to adhere better.

Area & Sand Preparation

After you’ve cleaned your doors, it’s time to start prepping the area for painting. First, you’ll want to lay down a drop cloth to protect your floors from paint. Next, you’ll want to use painter’s tape to tape off any areas that you don’t want to paint.

You should also sand your doors with medium-grit sandpaper. This will help to create a smooth surface for the paint to adhere to. Once you’ve finished sanding dust, use a tack cloth to remove any dust particles.


Now vacuum and wipe down your doors to remove any dust or dirt that might be on them. This step is important because it will help the paint to adhere better.

Priming The Cabinets

Once you’ve prepped the area and doors, it’s time to start priming. Priming is important because it will help the paint to adhere better and will also provide a base for the paint color.

You should use a high-quality primer that is specifically designed for cabinets. Apply the primer in thin, even coats and let the wet paint dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Paint Hight Volume Large Parts

Once the primer is dry, it’s time to start painting. You should start by painting the large parts of the doors first, such as the panels. Use a high-quality paint brush or paint roller to apply the paint in thin, even coats.

Let the paint dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Laying Off

After the paint has dried, you should use a brush or roller to lay off the paint. This will help to create a smooth, even finish.

Paint Cabinet Door & Drawers

Now it’s time to paint the drawers and doors. Start by painting the front of the drawers and doors.

Painting Kitchen Cabinets

After finishing painting the front of the drawers and doors, you should flip them over and paint the back.

Paint The Cabinet Frames

Now it’s time to move on to the cabinet frames. Start by painting the inside of the frames first. After finishing the inside of the frames, you should move on to the outside.

Paint The Backs & Fronts

Then it’s time to move on to the cabinet itself. Start by painting the back of the cabinet first. Once the back is dry, you can move on to the front.

Apply Two Coats

After the first coat of paint is dry, you should apply a second coat. Apply the second coat in the same way as the first coat. Once you’ve applied the second coat of paint, you should let the cabinets dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Wash It

Wash down your cabinets with a damp cloth. This will help to remove any dust or dirt that might still be on the surface of the paint.

Scuff It

After the paint has dried, you should use fine-grit sandpaper to scuff the surface of the paint. This will help to create a smooth, even finish.

Once you’ve scuffed the surface of the paint, it’s time to apply a top coat. A top coat will help to protect your cabinets and will also give them a glossy finish.

Hardware To Cardboard Attachment

Now it’s time to reattach your hardware. Start by attaching your knobs and pulls to a piece of cardboard. This will help to keep them organized while you’re working.

  • Reattach Your Hardware

Once attached to the cardboard, you can reattach them to your cabinets. Start by attaching the knobs first, then move on to the pulls.

  • Reattach Cabinet Doors & Drawers

After that, reattach your cabinet door and drawers. Make sure that all of the cabinet doors and drawers are properly aligned before attaching them.

Hardware Spray Priming

Now that all of your hardware is attached, you should apply a primer to the surface. This will help to protect the finish and will also provide a base for the paint color.

Assemble The Kitchen Cabinets

Time to assemble your kitchen cabinets. Start by attaching the baseboards to the bottom of the cabinets. Then, attach the cabinet doors and drawers. Finally, attach the molding to the top of the cabinets.


Now that your cabinets are assembled, you can start reassembling your kitchen. Start by attaching the base cabinets to the wall. Then, attach the upper cabinets. Finally, attach the molding and trim.

Your kitchen cabinets are now painted and reassembled!

Benefits Of Painting Kitchen Cabinets

One of the main benefits of painting cabinets is that it can help to protect them from damage. Paint creates a barrier between the wood cabinets and the elements, which can help to prevent water damage, scratches, and other types of wear and tear.

Another benefit of painting cabinets is that it can help to give them a new look. If your cabinets are looking worn or outdated, a fresh coat of paint can help to give them a facelift. You can also use paint to change the color of your cabinets, which can give your kitchen an entirely new look.

Finally, painting kitchen cabinets can be a relatively easy and inexpensive project. With some basic supplies and a little bit of elbow grease, you can transform your kitchen cabinets in a matter of hours.

Difficulties Of Painting Kitchen Cabinets

Painting cabinets can be difficult, time-consuming, and messy. Here are a few tips to make the process easier:

– Use a drop cloth to protect your floors and countertops from paint drips and spills.

– Use painter’s tape to protect any areas that you don’t want to paint, such as your backsplash or countertop.

– Remove all of the cabinet doors and drawer fronts before painting. This will make painting easier and will also help to prevent paint from getting on your hinges and hardware.

– Sanding kitchen cabinets before painting them will help to create a smooth surface for the paint to adhere to.

– Apply a primer before painting your cabinets. This will help to improve the durability of the paint and will also help to cover any dark stains or woods.

– Use a foam roller to apply the paint evenly. This will help to avoid any brush strokes or unevenness in the paint finish.

– Apply a top coat after painting your cabinets. This will help to protect the paint and will also give them a beautiful, glossy finish.

Things To Know About Painting Cabinets Of A Kitchen

Label Cabinet Panels

It’s important to label your cabinet doors and panels before you begin painting. This will help you to keep track of where each piece goes and will also help to ensure that you don’t paint the wrong side.

Deep Clean Everything

Before you begin painting, you should deep clean everything. This includes the cabinets, hardware, and anything else that will come in contact with the paint.

Rebound From Black

If you’re painting over dark paint, you should consider using a primer that is tinted to help cover up the old color.

Use A 2 to 2.5 Inch Brush

A 2 to 2.5-inch brush will help you to get a smooth, even finish.

Go With White

White is always a good choice when you paint cabinets. It’s classic and timeless and will never go out of style.

Interior Of A Cabinet Is A Definite Paint Job

The interior of a cabinet is a definite paint job. You should remove all of the shelves and drawer liners before painting.

Try Unconventional Colors

If you want to try something different, consider painting your cabinets a color other than white. Grey, blue, and even black can be beautiful choices for a kitchen cabinet paint job.

Use Spray For A Quick Job

If you’re looking for a quick way to paint your cabinets, consider using spray paint. A spray is a great option for painting kitchen cabinets because it’s easy to use and provides an even and smooth finish


So, if you’re looking to add some life to your kitchen without spending a fortune, painting your cabinets is the way to go. But like any home improvement project, there are a few things you should know before getting started. That’s why we’ve put together this step-by-step guide on how to paint kitchen cabinets like a pro.

By following these simple instructions, you’ll be able to achieve beautiful results that will transform your entire kitchen – and all for a fraction of the cost of replacing them entirely!

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